Happy birthday KYOKU Pool!
It was a quite long and an interesting journey and we would like to share it with you!
My name is Ilya and my colleague is Alex. We live in Prague.
Our first experience with crypto and blockchain in general was 3 years ago as we started our first mining farm. All the difficulties connected with huge electricity costs, purchase of additional cards and equipment made us think about an alternative way of earning money in crypto space.
Last year we discovered Cardano. It was a love at first sight! We liked everything in it - we will create a new post regarding it very soon.
We understood that the great advantage of Cardano is the decentralization. The idea to participate actively in the blockchain we liked was very logical And we decided to make a Pool, a mission driven Pool - to became an active member of the Cardano community.
During one Karate training the idea came very clear - KYOKUSHIN.
We are big fans of KYOKUSHIN Karate and its philosophy and the name of the pool was agreed the same moment.
Together with our Trainer - Sensei Jan Soukup, we discussed the idea behind the Pool. The junior Club Kakutogi Academy is training children and teaching them principals of matrial arts and its philosophy. The Junior Club was interested in some kind of support and sponsorship and we decided to support the Kakutogi Academy with 10% of Pool rewards. IT will be donations directly in ADA to the wallet we created specially for the Club. It is planed that donations will be used for renovations work in the club and purchase of equipment and kimonos (Karategi) for children who can not afford it.

So we started to create and code. It took us more than 3 weeks to set up the hardware and software and launch the Pool we can be proud of.
KYOKU POOL Parameters
Ticker: [KYOKU]
Plegde: 10 000 ADA
Margin: 2%
Fixed Cost: 340ADA / Epoch
1 Block producer
2 Ralays
all bare metal servers hosted in
secured and reliable datacenter in Prague Czech Republic with 99,99% Uptime
Daedalus ID: pool1xqhn3wdee79vupy9nzpt0r5gtnkp3m5gsvh8yeezfs4js9c2050
Yoroi ID: 302f38b9b9cf8ace04859882b78e885cec18ee88832e7267224c2b28
We welcome and invite all Ada holders - not only Kyokushin Karate supporter and not only to delegate to our brand new Pool.

Our plans for future
We are here for long game! KYOKU Pool is not only a business idea for us - more than that this is our passion.
Increase Pledge from every reward. As you know the Pledge parameter is important for rewards calculation for delegators.
Create more Cardano relevant content in 3 languages: German, English and Russian (Articles about Cardano, Cardano for newbies, translation of Charles Hoskinson videos etc.)
Be active on Twitter and other social media
Create NFT Collections related to the frontman of our Pool - Sensei Jan Soukup
Participate in new projects on Cardano or maybe create own project one day :)
Do you have any questions or requests regarding our Pool? Do not hesitate to contact us by Twitter, Email or join our Telegram Channel.